Youth Fitness

Youth of all fitness levels are welcome to join the BodyWorx Youth Fitness and Performance training program. We make fitness fun while getting in shape! Increase endurance, coordination and strength. Be ready for your school team or set a personal goal.

BodyWorx provides a safe environment to coach kids to love fitness.


About Your Coach

Tania Admans is an ACE certified Trainer and coach. A business owner, personal trainer, beach volleyball player and mother of two. Pioneering the BodyWorx Speed, Agility and Quickness program has been a personal goal. Tania now coaches many development and competitive youth teams including the GCFC high performance U12 girls soccer , GCFC competitive U10 soccer, Blue Devils lacrosse and the Spiking Sharks Volleyball U15 teams. She’s a recognized speaker at many Running Room seminars for learn to run, 5km/10km and half marathon groups. Her passion to get our youth involved in more physical activity and team work no matter what the starting level is shows during coaching sessions.

The Program

Learn the importance of a dynamic warmup. Each session builds on the previous week. We’ll be working on balance and coordination using a variety of functional training methods including balance boards and bosus. Building strength using bodyweight and plyometric exercise while maintaining a flexible and functional body, We’ll be learning the treadmill and going through some endurance training as a part of each session. There will be nutritional components where we’ll educate the participants about the importance of proper nutrition, breakfast, healthy snacks and choices. And most importantly, training for injury prevention.

Interested in the program? Click here for more information!

Please contact us for registration info:

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